Dear Friends, Fellow Collectors, and Visitors:
I am very happy to be able to share with you the results of my years of collecting movie posters.
You see, movies and books had changed my life, my collector’s nature did the rest. My life was meant to be a sedentary one, but it turned into an exciting one…the life of a kind of a “detective” who would follow his paper prey to the ends of the world, if necessary. I met thousands of people with whom I would never have become acquainted had I remained within the confines of my original background.
This place let’s call it a “library” or “museum”.. is my collection. Here, you can see posters from all over the world, and compare the various advertising approaches used by different countries. You will be able to do your own research across a wide variety of considerations; for example, there are posters for movies by great filmmakers, like John Ford or Federico Fellini, or those that feature stars, like Marlene Dietrich and Humphrey Bogart. You can discover the incredible quality of Pre-War Swedish posters. You will be able to search for posters that align with topics of particular interest to you…from diving to opera, from religion to war; those featuring iconic leading ladies to those showcasing black actors; those that represent the output of a country or those from just a particular studio.
Everything shown here is material that I currently own, or have owned.
Right now, the “library” is a “work in progress”, and when it is finished it will include around 60,000 items. Of course, by that time I will have collected some more. A collection of this size is a living creature that needs to be fed. That’s why I’m willing to sell some of the posters (especially ones for which I own multiple copies)…and why I will gladly entertain trading proposals as well as offers to buy new material that would enhance the collection.
Please remember that English is not my native language and that I’m just one single person and can’t be too fast on answering.
I expect that from time to time you will find mistakes in the general information. I apologize in advance, and I hope you will help me to correct any mistakes that you discover.
I thank you and hope you’ll enjoy the visit.